Will there be a the golden compass 2
Will there be a the golden compass 2

will there be a the golden compass 2

The conversation turns to money and expeditions.Some scholars speculate that it may be the work of Iofur Raknison, the king of Svalbard, a panserbjørne, who wants to start a university for bears – and wants a daemon more than anything.The head has been trepanned so the scholars think perhaps the Tartars are behind this.Asriel dramatically pulls out a big block of ice containing the head of Stanislaus Grumman!.Another scholar asks about the Grumman expedition, and Lord Asriel reveals that he has proof of what happened to the expedition.Lord Asriel says that's what he's been trying to find out. Someone asks if this is the "Barnard-Stokes business" (2.54). This time you can see the outline of what looks like a city in the sky where the aurora was. Lord Asriel puts in another pictogram of the same scene.He explains that the Aurora is made up of "storms of charged particles and solar rays of intense and extraordinary strength – invisible in themselves, but causing this luminous radiation when they interact with the atmosphere" (2.45).Asriel tells us it's a picture of the Aurora, the Northern Lights. Now the next photogram: a bunch of tents and a picture of the sky with lights.No, Asriel says, it's an "entire child" (2.36). A scholar asks if it's a "severed child" (2.34). We also learn that the small shape near the man in the photograph is a child.

will there be a the golden compass 2

Apparently Dust is something controversial and crazy that has never been photographed before. Lord Asriel tells the scholars that the particles are "Dust." Everyone gasps.All you can see now is the man, all lit up, and a bunch of particles flowing out from his hand. Asriel puts in the second photograph, which has been prepared with a special emulsion.He's near a hut in the moonlight with a smaller figure beside him. Asriel calls up the first photogram: a black and white picture of a man with a bunch of scientific instruments.Lord Asriel was on a mission to look into the phenomenon the Grumman expedition had been looking into.The room darkens and Lord Asriel tells the scholars that he had pretended to be on a mission to the King of Lapland, but actually he was investigating what happened to the lost Grumman expedition.Lyra overhears his conversation with the Librarian. Lord Asriel gets ready to show off his projections and seats the Master near the wardrobe.She soon perks up, though, once someone bangs on the table. The Master cooks up some poppy, a tradition at the college, and Lyra feels sleepy and comfy in the big wardrobe.They were the closest thing she had to a family. She watches the Master and his daemon as the scholars assemble in the room, all of whom she knows from having grown up at the college.She sees him look at the table for the bottle of Tokay. Lyra watches the Master from her place in the wardrobe.

will there be a the golden compass 2

  • Lord Asriel and the Master shake hands.

  • Will there be a the golden compass 2